Sunday 28 January 2024

Strong Demand Sends Ekati Rough Sales Surging

Strong Demand Sends Ekati Rough Sales Surging

Revenue from the Ekati deposit’s rough production soared during the fourth quarter as demand for its goods strengthened, according to owner Burgundy Diamond Mines.

Sales from the Canadian mine rose 37% year on year to $166 million for the three months that ended December 31, Burgundy reported last week. Sales volume jumped 41% to 1.8 million carats, from 1.3 million carats a year before, outweighing a 2% drop in the average price to $93 per carat.

Output increased 19% to 1.2 million carats for the October-to-December period. During the quarter, Burgundy held four auctions, including one for special stones. The miner sold all of its available inventory during those auctions, it noted.

“Each of our four auctions during the December quarter were oversubscribed due to significant customer demand,” said Burgundy CEO Kim Truter. “This has put us in a strong position with a healthy cash balance to fund the upcoming winter-road resupply and to commence the important work activities to extend the mine life at Ekati.”

Burgundy is currently retrieving ore from two sites at Ekati: an open-pit operation at Sable and an underground one at Misery. It is also working on extending Sable underground and is optimizing the Point Lake area.

Burgundy purchased Ekati from Arctic Canadian Diamond Company for $136 million in March.

Source: DCLA

Wednesday 24 January 2024

Rio Tinto Workers Killed en Route to Diavik Diamond Mine

Rio Tinto Workers Killed en Route to Diavik Diamond Mine

A number of remote employees at Rio Tinto’s Diavik diamond mine in Canada died Tuesday after the small plane carrying them to the site crashed.

“We have been informed by authorities that a plane on its way to our Diavik mine, carrying a number of our people, crashed…resulting in fatalities,” said Rio Tinto CEO Jakob Stausholm.

The company has not disclosed how many died on board the aircraft, which seats 19 people. The plane crashed near Fort Smith in the Northwest Territories shortly after takeoff. Rio Tinto employs many remote workers, who operate in shifts at the mine. Because of its isolated location, the miner transports workers by aircraft to and from the deposit.

“I would like to extend our deepest sympathy to the families, friends and loved ones of those who have been affected by this tragedy,” Stausholm said. “As a company, we are absolutely devastated by this news and [are] offering our full support to our people and the community, who are grieving today. We are working closely with authorities and will help in any way we can with their efforts to find out exactly what happened.”

Northwest Territories Premier R.J. Simpson also mourned the loss.

“It is with a heavy heart that I express my deepest condolences to the families, friends, and loved ones of those who were aboard the Northwestern Air flight that crashed outside of Fort Smith today,” he noted. “The impact of this incident is felt across the territory…. As we seek to understand the circumstances of this tragedy, I’d also like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the first responders and rescue teams who continue to work tirelessly at the crash site.”

It is unclear whether the crash will impact diamond production or sales at Diavik.

Source: DCLA

Tuesday 23 January 2024

Good news for Botswana Diamonds

Good news for Botswana Diamonds

Botswana Diamonds has announced that a gravity survey has been completed over four high-grade geophysical targets that had good magnetic response in a previous survey undertaken by the company.

“Preliminary results from this gravity survey show that at least one of the four targets, which is located 6 km south of the existing KX36 diamond discovery, has an excellent gravity response like that of known kimberlites and similar in size to KX36. The survey on the KX36 size anomaly is being repeated and correlated with previous results for confirmation. Next steps will be a drilling plan.

The new kimberlites targets have great potential to upgrade the existing resources in the area, including at the Ghaghoo Mine, which is currently under care and maintenance and only 60 km away from the KX36 project.

The KX36 project is a 3.5 ha kimberlite pipe in the Kalahari. The pipe has resources of 17.9 Mt at 35 cpht and 6.7 Mt at 36 cpht at $65 /ct. The modelled grade range is 57-76 cpht at an estimated diamond value of up to $107/ct.

Botswana Diamonds Chairman, John Teeling, commented: “This is the first strong indication of additional kimberlites around the KX36 discovery. Kimberlites come in clusters, but extensive exploration has to date not been successful.

“The anomaly has a strong gravity signature which gives us confidence that when drilled, it will prove to be a kimberlite. The anomaly sits on a structure like all the other kimberlites in the Kalahari, which further increases confidence. It is early days but very good news”.

Source: DCLA

Monday 22 January 2024

De Beers Debuts Online Rough Tenders

De Beers Debuts Online Rough Tenders

De Beers has introduced a new online “sealed bid” tender for some of its rough diamonds.

The Offer, which went live last week, allows buyers to key in the price they’re prepared to pay for a lot, unseen by other bidders.

It is an additional sales channel rather than a replacement for the online auctions that have been taking place since 2008.

Online auctions have accounted for the 10 per cent of De Beers production that is not sold at Sights.

“We are constantly looking at new ways for customers to source natural diamond supply with a view to make the experience as simple and flexible as possible while keeping commerciality in mind,” said Rhyzard Bilimoria, account director in De Beers Group Diamond Trading.

“We believe that for certain product ranges and during certain industry conditions, the Offer represents the most effective channel to meet customer and industry needs.”

He said the Offer was quick, simple, confidential and allowed buyers to bid any amount.

“We recognise that in periods when trading conditions are evolving, different customers can perceive different value depending on their specific activities – it is therefore beneficial to implement a sales process where there is no visibility of other bidders’ activity, as this supports customers’ ability to make independent assessments of value that reflect their own underlying demand.”

De Beers cancelled its online auctions in the last two sales cycles of 2023 amid slow demand.

Source: DCLA

French visitor finds 7.46-carat diamond

French visitor finds 7.46-carat diamond

A visitor from France who was in the United States to see a rocket launch in Florida found a 7.46-carat diamond at Crater of Diamonds State Park on Jan. 11, according to a news release from the park.

Julien Navas, of Paris, who was making his first visit to Crater of Diamonds on Jan. 11, found the diamond on the surface of the park’s 37.5-acre search area. It is the largest diamond registered at the park since 2020 and the eighth-largest in the park’s history.

Navas was visiting the U.S. to see the United Launch Alliance’s Vulcan Centaur Rocket launch in Cape Canaveral, Fla., the release said. After the launch, Navas traveled with a friend to see the sights in New Orleans. Along the way, he learned about Crater of Diamonds State Park, which “piqued his interest as he had previously panned for gold and searched for Ammonite fossils. So he knew he had to visit the park while he was in the U.S.”

A few days before his visit, the park had received over an inch of rain, making it a wet and muddy day. After purchasing his ticket and renting a basic diamond hunting kit from the park, “Navas headed into the search area and got to work.”

“I got to the park around nine o’clock and started to dig,” Navas said in the release. “That is backbreaking work so by the afternoon I was mainly looking on top of the ground for anything that stood out.”

According to Assistant Park Superintendent Waymon Cox, many of the park’s largest diamonds are found on the surface. “We periodically plow the search area to loosen the diamond-bearing soil and promote natural erosion,” he said in the release. “As rain falls on the field, it washes away the dirt and uncovers heavy rocks, minerals, and diamonds near the surface.”

After searching for several hours, Navas carried his finds to the park’s Diamond Discovery Center, where he learned that he had discovered a brown diamond weighing 7.46 carats. When he learned that he had found a diamond, the release said, Navas was stunned and said, “I am so happy! All I can think about is telling my fiancée what I found.”

The diamond has a deep chocolate brown color and is rounded like a marble. It is about the size of a candy gumdrop.

“It is always so exciting to see first-time visitors find diamonds, especially large diamonds like this one,” Park Interpreter Sarah Reap said in the release.

Navas called Crater of Diamonds State Park “a magical place, where the dream of finding a diamond can come true! It was a real great adventure.”

Navas said he plans to return to the park with his daughter when she is older.

“Many visitors choose to name the diamonds they find at Crater of Diamonds State Park. Navas decided to name his find the Carine Diamond, after his fiancee. He said he hopes to have the stone cut into two diamonds, one for his fiancee and one for his daughter,” the release said.

The Carine Diamond is the largest diamond registered at the park since 2020, when Kevin Kinard found the 9.07-carat Kinard Friendship Diamond over Labor Day weekend. It is the eighth-largest diamond registered since the Crater of Diamonds became a state park in 1972, according to the release.

Eleven diamonds have been registered at Crater of Diamonds State Park in 2024 so far. An average of one to two diamonds are found by park visitors each day.

“In total, over 75,000 diamonds have been unearthed at Crater of Diamonds State Park since the first diamonds were discovered by John Huddleston, a farmer who owned the land long before it became an Arkansas State Park in 1972. The largest diamond ever discovered in the United States was unearthed in 1924 during an early mining operation on the land that later became the state park,” the release said.

A visitor from France who was in the United States to see a rocket launch in Florida found a 7.46-carat diamond at Crater of Diamonds

   Julien Navas, of Paris, France, found a 7.46-carat diamond on the surface of Crater of Diamonds State Park in Murfreesboro on his first visit to the park’s 37.5-acre search area. (Photo courtesy of Arkansas State Parks)

Source: DCLA

Sunday 21 January 2024

Michael Hill closes six stores, axes senior managers amid tough retail environment

Michael Hill closes six stores, axes senior managers amid tough retail environment

Well-known jewellery chain Michael Hill has revealed it closed six stores in the past six months and scrapped senior management roles due to tough retail conditions.

In a trading update released by the stock market listed company, it described the six months to December 31, 2023 as a “challenging period for the business” as its profitability took a hit and is estimated to be down 45 to 39 per cent on the same period of 2022.

Of the six “underperforming” stores it closed, one was in regional WA, one in Queensland, one in Victoria, two in NSW and one in Canada.

In the statement, the company blamed economic conditions for “impacting consumer sentiment”, adding that its profit margin was affected by the inflated cost of gold and diamonds, and “aggressive competitor behaviour”, which led to a decision to “reduce operating costs, including the exit of a number of senior management roles”.

It did not reveal how many staff or which roles were affected.

Michael Hill also owns the more affordable Bevilles chain.

Michael Hill also owns the more affordable Bevilles chain.

The company achieved sales of $362.8 million during the six months to December 31, 2023, which was up 4.1 per cent on the same period of 2022.

But it revealed its gross profit for the period was expected to be between $30-33 million, which represents a fall of 45 to 39 per cent from the gross profit of $54.5 million it posted in the second half of 2022.

Earlier in 2023 the company bought the more affordable Bevilles jewellery chain, and it opened four new Bevilles stores in Australia during the past six months.

Michael Hill CEO and managing director Daniel Bracken said profit margins were hit in the second half of 2023. Picture: Richard Walker.

Michael Hill CEO and managing director Daniel Bracken said profit margins were hit in the second half of 2023. Picture: Richard Walker.


Rising Gold Prices and Tourism Drive Luk Fook Jewelry Sales

Rising Gold Prices and Tourism Drive Luk Fook Jewelry Sales

Retail sales at Hong Kong based jeweler Luk Fook soared in the third fiscal quarter as tourism recovered and the price of gold surged.

Sales grew 46% year on year for the three months that ended December 31, 2023, the company said last week. The rise comes on the back of a mounting revival in visitor traffic to the municipality since early last year, when the border reopened as the latest Covid-19 restrictions eased. Sales were up 40% compared to the same period of 2019, prior to the start of the pandemic.

“Following the complete reopening of borders among Hong Kong, Macau and the mainland, the Hong Kong and Macau market has shown a sustained recovery,” the company reported. “Despite an annual rise of over 14% in the average international gold price overall same store sales for gold products still displayed significant growth of 80%.”

In Hong Kong and Macau specifically, retail sales spiked 97%, with same-store sales those at branches open for at least a year gaining 80%. On the mainland, those figures increased 37% and 18% respectively.

Same store sales of gold products jumped 94% in Hong Kong and Macau, as the rising price of gold led to higher value transactions. In that category, fixed price gold jewelry as opposed to gold sold by weight rose 88%, while diamond-set jewelry went up 25%.

In China, same store sales of gold products advanced 22%. Fixed priced gold jewelry was up 23%, somewhat offsetting a 35% drop in diamond-set jewelry.

Source: DCLA

Petra Sales Up, Prices Down

Petra Diamonds Operations Petra Diamonds reported increased sales for FY 2024, despite weak market conditions. The UK based miner said it ha...