Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Call for Clear Lab Grown Labels in India

The Indian government is facing calls to adopt US guidelines to distinguish lab growns from natural diamonds.

Lab grown Diamonds

The Indian government is facing calls to adopt US guidelines to distinguish lab growns from natural diamonds.

The 10,000-member GJEPC (Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council) says there is widespread confusion in the way diamonds are marketed and advertised.

It says India should adopt the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines, which say there must be a “clear and conspicuous” indicating that a diamond is man-made.

They also say the term “diamond” without qualification can only be used to refer to a natural, mined diamond.

And lab growns cannot be described as “real,” “genuine,” “natural,” or “precious” without additional qualifying language.

The GJEPC has written to India’s Department of Consumer Affairs calling for strict rules to differentiate between natural and lab grown.

“The absence of standardised guidelines on diamond terminology leads to ambiguity,” it says.

“And there are no mandatory disclosure requirements to indicate whether a diamond is lab-grown or natural to the consumer.”

Source: DCLA

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