Christie’s will sell a 100.94 carat diamond at its upcoming Magnificent Jewels auction in Geneva, where it expects the stone to fetch up to $18 million.

The emerald cut, D color, internally flawless diamond, called the Spectacle, originated from a 207.29-carat rough Alrosa unearthed in 2016 at its Zarnitsa pipe in Yakutia, Christie’s said Monday.

Alrosa cut the stone at its polishing facility in Moscow over the course of a year and eight months, Christie’s noted. The diamond the largest ever manufactured in Russia will lead the May 12 auction.

The Spectacle is the third D-color, 100-carat-plus diamond the auction house has sold over the past 10 years. The Winston Legacy, a 101.73 carat, D flawless stone, went for $26.7 million in Geneva in 2013, and the 163.41 carat, D flawless Creation I fetched $33.7 million in 2017.

“We are fascinated to present this long awaited gem,” said Alrosa CEO Sergey Ivanov. “A part of our The Spectacle Collection, bearing the same name, this exceptional 100.94 carat diamond displays a breathtaking performance, which is a natural wonder revealed by human hand. Astonishing size, combined with impeccable color and quality, characteristics and flawless provenance guarantees, make the Spectacle a unique occurrence.”

Source: DCLA