Thursday 4 February 2016

World’s Largest Silver Producer Calls On The LBMA To Explain Last Week’s Fraudulent Silver Fix

Not only does the LBMA price set the price for clearing physical gold and silver trades twice a day, it also is used to benchmark OTC derivatives.

 Banksters get away with murder

My best educated guess is that a couple of the most influential bullion banks involved in the fix – JP Morgan and HSBC, each of whom respectively operates the SLV and GLD trusts – used the fraudulent silver price on Friday in order to address an immediate need – either a large physical silver deficiency or a derivatives problem.

The act itself reflects the desperation that is creeping into the bullion banking establishment.  Desperation that is being fueled by what I believe is the early stages of an extremely powerful resumption of the bull market in gold/silver.

Read more: SilverDoctors

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