Tuesday 15 October 2019

Alrosa Sales Decline at Slower Rate

Alrosa’s sales fell 24% year on year to $258.7 million in September, amid continued market weakness.
However, the total was the highest in four months, and reflected a noticeable recovery in the small-stone sector, the Russian miner said last week.
“It is partly due to the traditional autumn market revival after the holiday period, and a slight increase in demand from Indian cutters and polishers ahead of the Diwali festival,” said Alrosa deputy CEO Evgeny Agureev. “The most noticeable increase [was] sales of small-sized rough diamonds.”
Rough-diamond sales decreased 23% to $256.5 million for the month, while polished revenue plunged 69% to $2.2 million.
Alrosa’s sales fell 34% to $2.42 billion in the first nine months of the year. Revenue from rough stones dropped 34% to $2.39 billion for the period, while polished-diamond sales slid 50% to $36.8 million.
However, while sales have seen a slight boost, Alrosa thinks a full recovery will take longer.
“The market is still facing low demand for rough diamonds, though there has been a gradual recovery for some categories of diamonds,” Agureev added. “We still believe it will take some time to get a balance between supply and demand.”
Agureev, who has been the director of Alrosa’s United Selling Organization (USO) since 2017, was promoted to deputy CEO of the group last week.
“Given the difficult conditions in the global diamond market today, Evgeny will continue to improve the efficiency of the entire supply chain of the company and look for new approaches to stimulate rough-diamond sales, as well as to increase the level of interaction with the company’s customers and expand the customer base,” noted Alrosa CEO Sergey Ivanov.
Source: DCLA

Alrosa Sales Decline at Slower Rate

Alrosa’s sales fell 24% year on year to $258.7 million in September, amid continued market weakness.
However, the total was the highest in four months, and reflected a noticeable recovery in the small-stone sector, the Russian miner said last week.
“It is partly due to the traditional autumn market revival after the holiday period, and a slight increase in demand from Indian cutters and polishers ahead of the Diwali festival,” said Alrosa deputy CEO Evgeny Agureev. “The most noticeable increase [was] sales of small-sized rough diamonds.”
Rough-diamond sales decreased 23% to $256.5 million for the month, while polished revenue plunged 69% to $2.2 million.
Alrosa’s sales fell 34% to $2.42 billion in the first nine months of the year. Revenue from rough stones dropped 34% to $2.39 billion for the period, while polished-diamond sales slid 50% to $36.8 million.
However, while sales have seen a slight boost, Alrosa thinks a full recovery will take longer.
“The market is still facing low demand for rough diamonds, though there has been a gradual recovery for some categories of diamonds,” Agureev added. “We still believe it will take some time to get a balance between supply and demand.”
Agureev, who has been the director of Alrosa’s United Selling Organization (USO) since 2017, was promoted to deputy CEO of the group last week.
“Given the difficult conditions in the global diamond market today, Evgeny will continue to improve the efficiency of the entire supply chain of the company and look for new approaches to stimulate rough-diamond sales, as well as to increase the level of interaction with the company’s customers and expand the customer base,” noted Alrosa CEO Sergey Ivanov.
Source: DCLA

Monday 14 October 2019

Lab-Grown Diamonds Get Ready for Their Eco Close-Up

Six lab-grown diamond companies and retailers have signed up for a pilot program that will audit their environmental, social, and governance performance against preset criteria.
If they pass, their diamonds will be certified by SCS Global Services as sustainably grown, though it’s possible that label will change.
Only individual diamonds will bear the certification, after they have been tracked and traced from grower to the retailer. So, for example, it’s possible a ring’s center stone will carry the the SCS certification, while its side stones won’t. (Just like a center stone sometimes carries a GIA report, while its side stones don’t.)
The pilot, commissioned by the newly formed Lab-Grown Diamond Council, will involve four growers—Green Rocks, Goldiam USA, Lusix, and WD Lab Grown—as well as two retailers, Helzberg Diamonds and Swarovski.
The news comes after the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in April warned eight lab-grown diamond sellers against using general environmental benefit claims, like eco-friendly and sustainable, which are prohibited by the the agency’s Green Guides.
Interestingly, none of the lab-grown diamond sellers that were cautioned by the FTC are participating in the pilot program. In fact, most of the participating companies have shied away from making eco claims in the past.
“These are companies that want to do the right thing,” says Stanley Mathuram, vice president for SCS, which has also worked with Brilliant Earth and the Responsible Jewellery Council. “The message they are giving now is, ‘We support sustainability, and here are our practices to prove it.’ This won’t be just about how these companies compare to mined diamonds. It’s about each company’s own practices and how they measure up to a transparent standard.”
Diamond Foundry has been certified carbon-neutral by Natural Capital Partners. This new standard goes beyond that toward “climate neutrality,” Mathuram says.
“It’s not just that we measure your electrical footprint and then you buy offsets,” says Mathuram. “It may be looking at ways to reduce electricity use. This is going beyond carbon-neutral and looking at a multitude of issues. We will also be looking at black carbon, ozone, and methane, and other pollutants that are hot-button topics for climate. We are talking about water, we are talking about solvents, we are talking about chemicals.”
It will also monitor the companies that cut the diamonds and make sure they adhere to existing labor and safety standards.
Another key component: good governance. In this era of anti-money-laundering rules that mandate buyers know their customers, retailers increasingly want information about who owns lab-grown diamond companies, Mathuram says. Yet many growers are nontransparent, and some have had been linked to fugitive economic offenders, offshore entities, or the Chinese military.
“We want the standards aligned with OECD [Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development] anti-bribery, anti-corruption standards, so we know who owns them,” Mathuram says. “We can ask, ‘What is their history? Could there be money laundering involved? Do they pay fair wages?’ ”
A standards committee has been formed to develop criteria for certification. Among the members will be Dr. Saleem Ali, who has written about the ecological impact of both mined and lab-grown diamonds. (Both Mathuram and Ali are also involved in efforts to monitor and certify mining operations, including diamond producers, such as the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance.)
Mathuram hopes to have the first standards developed in about five months. He wants them to be “strict” and subject to annual revision, in the spirit of continual improvement. He admits that it’s possible that the companies will have to spend money to bring their practices up to code, especially since lab-grown diamonds use a considerable amount of energy to grow.
“They likely will,” he says. “But otherwise it will be misleading for people to just call themselves sustainable without any changes in their practices.”
The current plans call for the certification to be called “sustainably grown”—even though sustainable is one of the words the FTC objected to, since it means different things to different people. Mathuram says it will work with the FTC to make sure the wording passes muster and says it could change.
He admits that it’s also possible that competing growers will continue to call themselves “eco-friendly,” despite the FTC warning and lack of independent backup.
“They can try,” he says. “But you will have companies like Helzberg and Swarovski wanting these certifications. We have seen this in other industries we certify. No one is going to touch companies that can’t say who owns them, what their social and environmental standards are.”
One of the early participants in the program, Goldiam USA, hopes getting the certification will set it apart.
“Everyone says they have their own [growing] lab, but in a lot of cases it’s not true,” says Devang Jhaveri, chief executive officer of the company, which sells both natural and lab-grown stones. “This will show that we grow the product ourselves and have confidence in our process.”
He also hopes that it will give consumers more confidence.
A recent survey from MVI Marketing found that more than 85% of jewelry purchasers say it’s important to have independent, third-party verification of a diamond’s social and environmental impact before they purchase it.
“[When] asked how much confidence they would have if a company created its own standards for claims of social and environmental responsibility and then self-report[ed], consumers were not impressed,” said a release from MVI.
(In the spirit of transparency, we should note that MVI has done work for SCS, as well as lab-grown companies and organizations.)
“The consumer is getting more sophisticated,” says Elizabeth Chatelain, MVI president. “We are starting to see consumer pushback, asking, ‘Who is really confirming and verifying what it is you’re telling me?’ ”
Or as Mathuram puts it: “You can’t talk about sustainability if no one knows what your practices are.”
Source: DCLA

Lab-Grown Diamonds Get Ready for Their Eco Close-Up

Six lab-grown diamond companies and retailers have signed up for a pilot program that will audit their environmental, social, and governance performance against preset criteria.
If they pass, their diamonds will be certified by SCS Global Services as sustainably grown, though it’s possible that label will change.
Only individual diamonds will bear the certification, after they have been tracked and traced from grower to the retailer. So, for example, it’s possible a ring’s center stone will carry the the SCS certification, while its side stones won’t. (Just like a center stone sometimes carries a GIA report, while its side stones don’t.)
The pilot, commissioned by the newly formed Lab-Grown Diamond Council, will involve four growers—Green Rocks, Goldiam USA, Lusix, and WD Lab Grown—as well as two retailers, Helzberg Diamonds and Swarovski.
The news comes after the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in April warned eight lab-grown diamond sellers against using general environmental benefit claims, like eco-friendly and sustainable, which are prohibited by the the agency’s Green Guides.
Interestingly, none of the lab-grown diamond sellers that were cautioned by the FTC are participating in the pilot program. In fact, most of the participating companies have shied away from making eco claims in the past.
“These are companies that want to do the right thing,” says Stanley Mathuram, vice president for SCS, which has also worked with Brilliant Earth and the Responsible Jewellery Council. “The message they are giving now is, ‘We support sustainability, and here are our practices to prove it.’ This won’t be just about how these companies compare to mined diamonds. It’s about each company’s own practices and how they measure up to a transparent standard.”
Diamond Foundry has been certified carbon-neutral by Natural Capital Partners. This new standard goes beyond that toward “climate neutrality,” Mathuram says.
“It’s not just that we measure your electrical footprint and then you buy offsets,” says Mathuram. “It may be looking at ways to reduce electricity use. This is going beyond carbon-neutral and looking at a multitude of issues. We will also be looking at black carbon, ozone, and methane, and other pollutants that are hot-button topics for climate. We are talking about water, we are talking about solvents, we are talking about chemicals.”
It will also monitor the companies that cut the diamonds and make sure they adhere to existing labor and safety standards.
Another key component: good governance. In this era of anti-money-laundering rules that mandate buyers know their customers, retailers increasingly want information about who owns lab-grown diamond companies, Mathuram says. Yet many growers are nontransparent, and some have had been linked to fugitive economic offenders, offshore entities, or the Chinese military.
“We want the standards aligned with OECD [Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development] anti-bribery, anti-corruption standards, so we know who owns them,” Mathuram says. “We can ask, ‘What is their history? Could there be money laundering involved? Do they pay fair wages?’ ”
A standards committee has been formed to develop criteria for certification. Among the members will be Dr. Saleem Ali, who has written about the ecological impact of both mined and lab-grown diamonds. (Both Mathuram and Ali are also involved in efforts to monitor and certify mining operations, including diamond producers, such as the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance.)
Mathuram hopes to have the first standards developed in about five months. He wants them to be “strict” and subject to annual revision, in the spirit of continual improvement. He admits that it’s possible that the companies will have to spend money to bring their practices up to code, especially since lab-grown diamonds use a considerable amount of energy to grow.
“They likely will,” he says. “But otherwise it will be misleading for people to just call themselves sustainable without any changes in their practices.”
The current plans call for the certification to be called “sustainably grown”—even though sustainable is one of the words the FTC objected to, since it means different things to different people. Mathuram says it will work with the FTC to make sure the wording passes muster and says it could change.
He admits that it’s also possible that competing growers will continue to call themselves “eco-friendly,” despite the FTC warning and lack of independent backup.
“They can try,” he says. “But you will have companies like Helzberg and Swarovski wanting these certifications. We have seen this in other industries we certify. No one is going to touch companies that can’t say who owns them, what their social and environmental standards are.”
One of the early participants in the program, Goldiam USA, hopes getting the certification will set it apart.
“Everyone says they have their own [growing] lab, but in a lot of cases it’s not true,” says Devang Jhaveri, chief executive officer of the company, which sells both natural and lab-grown stones. “This will show that we grow the product ourselves and have confidence in our process.”
He also hopes that it will give consumers more confidence.
A recent survey from MVI Marketing found that more than 85% of jewelry purchasers say it’s important to have independent, third-party verification of a diamond’s social and environmental impact before they purchase it.
“[When] asked how much confidence they would have if a company created its own standards for claims of social and environmental responsibility and then self-report[ed], consumers were not impressed,” said a release from MVI.
(In the spirit of transparency, we should note that MVI has done work for SCS, as well as lab-grown companies and organizations.)
“The consumer is getting more sophisticated,” says Elizabeth Chatelain, MVI president. “We are starting to see consumer pushback, asking, ‘Who is really confirming and verifying what it is you’re telling me?’ ”
Or as Mathuram puts it: “You can’t talk about sustainability if no one knows what your practices are.”
Source: DCLA

Sunday 13 October 2019

Diamond sales at Lucapa total $49.5 million year-to-date

African miner Lucapa Diamond Company said yesterday its latest sales of diamonds from the Lulo alluvial mine in Angola and the Mothae kimberlite mine in Lesotho totaled $10.4 million.
Year to date sales are $45.9 million.
The average price per carat is $1,087 at the Lulo Mine. Excluded from the figures is a 46-carat pink diamond, which has been exported by SML to Antwerp and is being assessed for polishing.
At the Mothae Mine, the average price per carat was $837. The mine began operations in January. The company said the mine has already recovered seven +50 carat diamonds.
Lucapa Diamond is focused on becoming a producer of large and premium-quality diamonds from alluvial and kimberlite sources.
Source: DCLA

Diamond sales at Lucapa total $49.5 million year-to-date

African miner Lucapa Diamond Company said yesterday its latest sales of diamonds from the Lulo alluvial mine in Angola and the Mothae kimberlite mine in Lesotho totaled $10.4 million.
Year to date sales are $45.9 million.
The average price per carat is $1,087 at the Lulo Mine. Excluded from the figures is a 46-carat pink diamond, which has been exported by SML to Antwerp and is being assessed for polishing.
At the Mothae Mine, the average price per carat was $837. The mine began operations in January. The company said the mine has already recovered seven +50 carat diamonds.
Lucapa Diamond is focused on becoming a producer of large and premium-quality diamonds from alluvial and kimberlite sources.
Source: DCLA

Thursday 10 October 2019

Pink Diamond Nets $20M at Sotheby’s

A pink diamond ring was the top lot at Sotheby’s Hong Kong auction this week, garnering HKD 155.8 million ($19.9 million), or $1.9 million per carat.
The cut-cornered rectangular mixed-cut, 10.64-carat, fancy-vivid-purplish-pink, internally flawless stone, set between two white trapeze diamonds, had a presale estimate of HKD 150 million to HKD 200 million ($19.1 million to 25.5 million). Total proceeds at the Magnificent Jewels and Jadeite auction came to HKD 300.8 million ($38.3 million).
A 100.02-carat, fancy-intense-yellow diamond necklace by Anna Hu, fashioned in the shape of a pipa — a Chinese musical instrument similar to a four-stringed lute — sold for HKD 45.3 million ($5.8 million) against a presale estimate of HKD 40 million to HKD 50 million ($5.1 million to $6.4 million). The necklace was one of five pieces in Hu’s Silk Road Music Collection, all of which found buyers, Sotheby’s told Rapaport News.
Meanwhile, a necklace featuring a pear-shaped, 15.08-carat diamond suspended from a row of alternating step-cut and brilliant-cut diamonds brought in HKD 9.2 million ($1.2 million). It was estimated at HKD 7.6 million to HKD 10 million ($968,860 to $1.3 million).
Three of the auction’s top lots failed to find a buyer, including an emerald-cut, 80.88-carat, D-flawless, type IIa diamond with a presale estimate of $10 million to $12.8 million, Sotheby’s added. An 11.88-carat, pigeon’s blood Burmese ruby and diamond ring by designer Raymond Yard, valued at $5.6 million to $8.2 million, and a jadeite bead necklace with a diamond clasp, estimated at $3.2 million to $4.1 million, also went unsold.
Source: DCLA

Petra Sales Up, Prices Down

Petra Diamonds Operations Petra Diamonds reported increased sales for FY 2024, despite weak market conditions. The UK based miner said it ha...