Thursday 4 July 2019

Diamonds from Marange excluded by Blue Nile

Top US jewelry etailer Blue Nile has blacklisted Zimbabwean diamonds over reports of human rights abuses in Manicaland’s Marange district.
On its website Blue Nile says: “Blue Nile is committed to ensuring that the highest ethical standards are observed when sourcing our diamonds and jewelry. Because of the reported human rights abuses in Zimbabwe’s Marange diamond district, Blue Nile will not purchase or offer diamonds from that area. As a responsible member of the diamond and jewelry industry, we are working with our suppliers to ensure our consumers receive only the finest goods procured from ethical sources.”
It is not clear how long ago this statement was posted opn the Blue Nile website.
In a report on the website Blue Nile was quoted as stating that “it was doing this in adherence to global diamond watcher the Kimberley Process. If one of our suppliers was ever found to be in violation of that process, we would immediately sever that relationship,” the diamond trader was quoted.
The NGO, the Center for Natural Resource Governance (CNRG) welcomed Blue Nile’s decision. CNRG executive director Farai Maguwu called on Zimbabwean authorities and in particular Zimbabwe Consolidated Diamond Company owned by the State.
“We endorse the decision by Blue Nile. It is the right thing to do. The use of torture and murder as punishment to artisanal miners in Marange has been widely reported resulting in consumers raising a red flag,” Muguwu told in an interview.
Maguwu claimed that in 2018 alone, more than 40 artisanal miners were killed in cold blood by ZCDC guards. Since the discovery of diamonds in Marange in June 2006, the police and army have been accused of using brute force and live ammunition to deal with illegal diamond miners.
Source: idexonline

Diamonds from Marange excluded by Blue Nile

Top US jewelry etailer Blue Nile has blacklisted Zimbabwean diamonds over reports of human rights abuses in Manicaland’s Marange district.
On its website Blue Nile says: “Blue Nile is committed to ensuring that the highest ethical standards are observed when sourcing our diamonds and jewelry. Because of the reported human rights abuses in Zimbabwe’s Marange diamond district, Blue Nile will not purchase or offer diamonds from that area. As a responsible member of the diamond and jewelry industry, we are working with our suppliers to ensure our consumers receive only the finest goods procured from ethical sources.”
It is not clear how long ago this statement was posted opn the Blue Nile website.
In a report on the website Blue Nile was quoted as stating that “it was doing this in adherence to global diamond watcher the Kimberley Process. If one of our suppliers was ever found to be in violation of that process, we would immediately sever that relationship,” the diamond trader was quoted.
The NGO, the Center for Natural Resource Governance (CNRG) welcomed Blue Nile’s decision. CNRG executive director Farai Maguwu called on Zimbabwean authorities and in particular Zimbabwe Consolidated Diamond Company owned by the State.
“We endorse the decision by Blue Nile. It is the right thing to do. The use of torture and murder as punishment to artisanal miners in Marange has been widely reported resulting in consumers raising a red flag,” Muguwu told in an interview.
Maguwu claimed that in 2018 alone, more than 40 artisanal miners were killed in cold blood by ZCDC guards. Since the discovery of diamonds in Marange in June 2006, the police and army have been accused of using brute force and live ammunition to deal with illegal diamond miners.
Source: idexonline

Wednesday 3 July 2019

Israel Bourse Unveils ‘Real Diamonds’ Campaign

The Israel Diamond Exchange (IDE) has launched an international awareness campaign, highlighting the unique features of natural diamonds.
The bourse will promote its “I love natural diamonds” campaign — which it says is the first international initiative by a global diamond center to differentiate real diamonds from synthetics — over social media. It will feature several short videos, released over a number of weeks, starting with a piece entitled “Fake Times. Real Diamonds.”
The project was first announced at the World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB) executive committee meeting, held in Israel last week.
“At a time when counterfeit products and fake reproductions flood almost every market, few commodities remain as rare and exceptional as natural diamonds,” said IDE president Yoram Dvash, who hosted the WFDB meeting.
“In this campaign we want to highlight the exceptional qualities of natural diamonds, as symbols of love and timelessness over the generations and throughout the world,” he added.

Israel Bourse Unveils ‘Real Diamonds’ Campaign

The Israel Diamond Exchange (IDE) has launched an international awareness campaign, highlighting the unique features of natural diamonds.
The bourse will promote its “I love natural diamonds” campaign — which it says is the first international initiative by a global diamond center to differentiate real diamonds from synthetics — over social media. It will feature several short videos, released over a number of weeks, starting with a piece entitled “Fake Times. Real Diamonds.”
The project was first announced at the World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB) executive committee meeting, held in Israel last week.
“At a time when counterfeit products and fake reproductions flood almost every market, few commodities remain as rare and exceptional as natural diamonds,” said IDE president Yoram Dvash, who hosted the WFDB meeting.
“In this campaign we want to highlight the exceptional qualities of natural diamonds, as symbols of love and timelessness over the generations and throughout the world,” he added.
View the first video here:

Monday 1 July 2019

Tracking conflict diamonds with lasers

In a lab in the California city of Carlsbad, between Los Angeles and San Diego, a suspicious diamond recently arrived.
On the outer edge – what jewellers call the girdle – was a tiny inscription, of a bona fide diamond security code issued in 2015.
But the font was a different one than the Gemological Institute of America, or GIA, uses.
And whereas the original diamond was natural, this diamond was grown in a lab.
“Rarely do we encounter the type of blatant fraud described here,” say Christopher Breeding and Troy Ardon from the Carlsbad lab.
Carlsbad is the headquarters of the GIA, a non-profit organisation that evaluates and certifies diamonds for quality.
It assigns diamonds report numbers, which a laser can then carve on to the diamond. But this method has its problems.
“It is easy to be removed, just polish it off,” says Andrew Rimmer, chief executive of Opsydia, an Oxford University spin-out. “Also it’s easy to apply someone else’s serial number.”
So Mr Rimmer has been working on lasers that can write security codes beneath the surface of diamonds instead.
And codes inside diamonds are forever.
Diamonds are a huge business, with 133 million carats (about 27 tonnes) of rough diamonds worth about $15bn-$16bn (£12bn-£13bn) mined each year, according to Boston consulting firm Bain & Company.
About half originate in Africa, where in some countries, like South Africa and Botswana, mining is well regulated.
But Zimbabwe, under President Mugabe, used diamond exports to fund its repressive secret police.
And last year, three Russian journalists were killed while investigating the Kremlin’s links to militias in the Central African Republic who fund their fighting with diamond sales.
Synthetic diamonds are also an issue for the industry – adverts have appeared on China’s Alibaba e-commerce site with documentation stating they are natural.
Such concerns have taken the shine off diamond sales in 2019.
In response, many people in the diamond industry have been working on using the blockchain – a tamper-proof distributed ledger – to store information on a gem’s history, from the mine to the jewellery shop.
Examples are Australia’s Everledger and De Beers’ Tracr. Russian diamond mining giant Alrosa announced last autumn it will join the Tracr platform.
So it will be possible to “provide clients with a full history of a diamond, starting from the moment it was mined”, says Alrosa’s Eugeniya Kozenko.
“We can create lots of apps along the way” that draw on the blockchain, says Jim Duffy, chief executive of Tracr.
The hardest bit has involved creating robots for producers to use to scan diamonds at scale, and machine-learning algorithms to automate identifying the diamonds, Mr Duffy says.
De Beers also has launched a GemFair progamme to log diamonds produced by small-scale African miners, says Michillay Brown, partner relations specialist at Tracr.
The programme started with “artisanal and small-scale diamond miners in Sierra Leone”, and helps them record GPS locations for each diamond they find, which they then place in a QR-coded tamper-proof bag, she says.
In another sign that the sector is warming to blockchain tech, Lucara Diamond, a Canadian mining company, bought a blockchain business called Clara last year.
Their diamonds will “get scanned shortly after they’re recovered from the mine, and put on blockchain,” says John Armstrong, Lucara’s vice president for technical services.
Putting a full account of a diamond’s provenance on to a blockchain offers an “extremely secure way of storing detailed information”, says Opsydia’s Mr Rimmer. “But you still need to make sure the stone is the one it purports to be.”
So how can you write a permanent, tamper-proof security code inside a diamond?
With difficulty would seem to be the answer. Diamond has a high refractive index, meaning it bends light a lot.
“So whichever direction you want a laser to go, usually it goes somewhere else,” Mr Rimmer explains.
Engineers at Oxford were doing research around getting the highest possible resolution from telescopes, and compensating for fluctuations in the atmosphere.
And this turns out to produce answers that also apply to focusing lasers on targets that are very small.
So marks as small as one-thousandth of a millimetre can be made 0.15mm below a diamond’s surface in a trillionth of a second. The extremely high speed keeps the laser burst from heating up the stone.
Marks this small can’t be seen even with a jeweller’s magnifying glass, or loupe. You need a powerful microscope.
And since they’re so tiny, they don’t have to be on the outside girdle, which is covered up when the diamond is placed in jewellery, but can be in the top surface or around the crown where they can always be read.
Opsydia has just sold it first machines to De Beers.
But once you can write things inside diamonds, “you can write electrical circuits; it takes you into science instrumentation and ultimately quantum computing,” says Mr Rimmer.
Maintaining trust in the authenticity and provenance of diamonds is essential to keep an increasingly sceptical public buying.
Ajay Anand, founder of New York-based Rare Carat, built a platform that pulls in data on diamonds for sale from both big and small retailers.
He realised that “diamonds are the perfect data set for machine learning and price prediction”.
There are about 30 or 40 variables associated with any diamond, he says.
“So we put together the largest data set probably in existence – our algorithms can predict the price of a diamond pretty accurately,” he says.
The platform tells customers how good a bargain it thinks a particular diamond is.
And “we’re empowering dozens of smaller online and local retailers, with lower overhead costs,” but who might struggle to get customers through the door, he says.
The industry will be hoping that these new marking, tracing and buying technologies will ensure diamonds never lose their lustre.
Source: DCLA

Tracking conflict diamonds with lasers

In a lab in the California city of Carlsbad, between Los Angeles and San Diego, a suspicious diamond recently arrived.
On the outer edge – what jewellers call the girdle – was a tiny inscription, of a bona fide diamond security code issued in 2015.
But the font was a different one than the Gemological Institute of America, or GIA, uses.
And whereas the original diamond was natural, this diamond was grown in a lab.
“Rarely do we encounter the type of blatant fraud described here,” say Christopher Breeding and Troy Ardon from the Carlsbad lab.
Carlsbad is the headquarters of the GIA, a non-profit organisation that evaluates and certifies diamonds for quality.
It assigns diamonds report numbers, which a laser can then carve on to the diamond. But this method has its problems.
“It is easy to be removed, just polish it off,” says Andrew Rimmer, chief executive of Opsydia, an Oxford University spin-out. “Also it’s easy to apply someone else’s serial number.”
So Mr Rimmer has been working on lasers that can write security codes beneath the surface of diamonds instead.
And codes inside diamonds are forever.
Diamonds are a huge business, with 133 million carats (about 27 tonnes) of rough diamonds worth about $15bn-$16bn (£12bn-£13bn) mined each year, according to Boston consulting firm Bain & Company.
About half originate in Africa, where in some countries, like South Africa and Botswana, mining is well regulated.
But Zimbabwe, under President Mugabe, used diamond exports to fund its repressive secret police.
And last year, three Russian journalists were killed while investigating the Kremlin’s links to militias in the Central African Republic who fund their fighting with diamond sales.
Synthetic diamonds are also an issue for the industry – adverts have appeared on China’s Alibaba e-commerce site with documentation stating they are natural.
Such concerns have taken the shine off diamond sales in 2019.
In response, many people in the diamond industry have been working on using the blockchain – a tamper-proof distributed ledger – to store information on a gem’s history, from the mine to the jewellery shop.
Examples are Australia’s Everledger and De Beers’ Tracr. Russian diamond mining giant Alrosa announced last autumn it will join the Tracr platform.
So it will be possible to “provide clients with a full history of a diamond, starting from the moment it was mined”, says Alrosa’s Eugeniya Kozenko.
“We can create lots of apps along the way” that draw on the blockchain, says Jim Duffy, chief executive of Tracr.
The hardest bit has involved creating robots for producers to use to scan diamonds at scale, and machine-learning algorithms to automate identifying the diamonds, Mr Duffy says.
De Beers also has launched a GemFair progamme to log diamonds produced by small-scale African miners, says Michillay Brown, partner relations specialist at Tracr.
The programme started with “artisanal and small-scale diamond miners in Sierra Leone”, and helps them record GPS locations for each diamond they find, which they then place in a QR-coded tamper-proof bag, she says.
In another sign that the sector is warming to blockchain tech, Lucara Diamond, a Canadian mining company, bought a blockchain business called Clara last year.
Their diamonds will “get scanned shortly after they’re recovered from the mine, and put on blockchain,” says John Armstrong, Lucara’s vice president for technical services.
Putting a full account of a diamond’s provenance on to a blockchain offers an “extremely secure way of storing detailed information”, says Opsydia’s Mr Rimmer. “But you still need to make sure the stone is the one it purports to be.”
So how can you write a permanent, tamper-proof security code inside a diamond?
With difficulty would seem to be the answer. Diamond has a high refractive index, meaning it bends light a lot.
“So whichever direction you want a laser to go, usually it goes somewhere else,” Mr Rimmer explains.
Engineers at Oxford were doing research around getting the highest possible resolution from telescopes, and compensating for fluctuations in the atmosphere.
And this turns out to produce answers that also apply to focusing lasers on targets that are very small.
So marks as small as one-thousandth of a millimetre can be made 0.15mm below a diamond’s surface in a trillionth of a second. The extremely high speed keeps the laser burst from heating up the stone.
Marks this small can’t be seen even with a jeweller’s magnifying glass, or loupe. You need a powerful microscope.
And since they’re so tiny, they don’t have to be on the outside girdle, which is covered up when the diamond is placed in jewellery, but can be in the top surface or around the crown where they can always be read.
Opsydia has just sold it first machines to De Beers.
But once you can write things inside diamonds, “you can write electrical circuits; it takes you into science instrumentation and ultimately quantum computing,” says Mr Rimmer.
Maintaining trust in the authenticity and provenance of diamonds is essential to keep an increasingly sceptical public buying.
Ajay Anand, founder of New York-based Rare Carat, built a platform that pulls in data on diamonds for sale from both big and small retailers.
He realised that “diamonds are the perfect data set for machine learning and price prediction”.
There are about 30 or 40 variables associated with any diamond, he says.
“So we put together the largest data set probably in existence – our algorithms can predict the price of a diamond pretty accurately,” he says.
The platform tells customers how good a bargain it thinks a particular diamond is.
And “we’re empowering dozens of smaller online and local retailers, with lower overhead costs,” but who might struggle to get customers through the door, he says.
The industry will be hoping that these new marking, tracing and buying technologies will ensure diamonds never lose their lustre.
Source: DCLA

Sunday 30 June 2019

Scientists achieve teleportation breakthrough

Japanese researchers carry out quantum teleportation within a diamond.
Scientists figure out how to teleport information within a diamond.
The study took advantage of defects in the diamond’s structure.
The achievement has implications for quantum computing.
Scientists from the Yokohama National University in Japan achieved the feat of teleporting quantum information within a diamond. Their study is an important step in the field of quantum information technology.
Hideo Kosaka, a professor of engineering at Yokohama National University, led the study. He explained that the goal was to get data where it doesn’t normally go
“Quantum teleportation permits the transfer of quantum information into an otherwise inaccessible space,” shared Kosaka. “It also permits the transfer of information into a quantum memory without revealing or destroying the stored quantum information.”
The “inaccessible space” explored in the study was the lattice of carbon atoms in a diamond. The strength of the structure stems from the diamond’s organization that has six protons and six neutrons in the nucleus, with six spinning electrons around it. As they bond to the diamond, the atoms form a super-strong lattice.
For their experiments, Kosaka and his team focused on defects that sometimes arise in diamonds, when a nitrogen atom appears in vacancies that would ordinarily house carbon atoms.
Kosaka’s team manipulated an electron and a carbon isotope in such a vacancy by running a microwave and a radio wave into the diamond via a very thin wire – one fourth the width of a human hair. The wire was attached to the diamond, creating an oscillating magnetic field.
The scientists controlled the microwaves sent to the diamond to transfer information within it. In particular, they employed a nitrogen nano magnet to transfer the polarization state of a photon to a carbon atom, effectively achieving teleportation.
The diamond’s lattice structure features a nitrogen-vacancy center with surrounding carbons. In this image, the carbon isotope (green) is initially entangled with an electron (blue) in the vacancy. It then waits for a photon (red) to be absorbed. This results in quantum teleportation-based state transfer of the photon into the carbon memory.
“The success of the photon storage in the other node establishes the entanglement between two adjacent nodes,” Kosaka said, adding that their “ultimate goal” was to figure out how to make use of such processes “for large-scale quantum computation and metrology.”
The accomplishment could prove vital in the quest for new ways to store and share sensitive information, with previous studies showing diamonds could house giant amounts of encrypted data.
Kosaka’s team also included Kazuya Tsurumoto, Ryota Kuroiwa, Hiroki Kano, and Yuhei Sekiguchi.
You can find their study published in Communications Physics.
Source: DCLA

Petra Sales Up, Prices Down

Petra Diamonds Operations Petra Diamonds reported increased sales for FY 2024, despite weak market conditions. The UK based miner said it ha...